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I look forward to discovering how Building Powerful Kids can help you and your family. Watch this short video and get a SPECIAL OFFER if you order a copy of my Book below.

Step 2: Order Your Copy of the BOOK Today


Order Your Copy of The BOOK Today and Get these Exclusive Bonuses:


  • Exclusive FREE Building Blocks Video Series

    A 3-part video series where I walk you through the three steps that change the way your words and actions impact your child. You will develop new skills that are proven to build your child’s confidence, empowers you with certainty to know you delivered what is needed, and enables you to help your child overcome their challenges.

  • Limited-Number Scholarship for Building Powerful Kids Live-Workshop

    Get one of my limited number of scholarships to use toward any of the Live Family Building Powerful Kids Group Workshops in 2019. The relationship and bonds you build here with your child last a lifetime of happiness.

  • Ultimate Master Builder Targeting Plan

    Learn how to target your daily conversations with your child in a way that will build them into powerful individuals who can overcome challenges and effectively handle themselves. These powerful tools will enable you to continue helping your child improve every single day.

Just applying strategies from the first chapter of this book have seen a huge difference in the way my child responds to challenges in school and at home when I need them to complete something.  My advice is grab this right now!

Sarah Gilligan
Sarah Gilligan
Gilligan Industries.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Criticism is Futile

    With criticism we rarely ever make lasting changes and resentment and anger build.

  • Chapter 2: Encouragement The Fuel Driving Motivation

    There are only two ways you motivate anyone and there will only be two ways that you fuel the change and transformation in your child.

  • Chapter 3: What Do They Want?

    The only gift you can truly have as a parent is knowing what your child wants.

  • Chapter 4: Build Your Child’s Growth Mindset

    Discover the key to building your child’s mindset to improve their confidence and consistently maintain a positive attitude.

  • Chapter 5: Why The Word “Perfect” Builds Fear And Kills Confidence

    Learn the words to use to consistently build your child’s mindset and confidence to be a leader in their life to take action toward their dreams.

  • Chapter 6: Recognize Your Child’s Effort

    Empower your child to build true confidence by learning how to earn rather than receiving a “participation” award for showing up.

  • Chapter 7: Influencing Your Child to Grow

    Bringing this all together and making it stick using a master plan for building a powerful child and allowing them the freedom of growth.

  • Chapter 8: Building Powerful Kids Framework

    The master plan framework that we use to build powerful kids and keep that growth and improvement stimulated year after year.

  • Chapter 9: Inspire, Teach, Build

    You will ALWAYS be their first and last teacher, guide, and mentor. There is NO better coach than you to build them and there is NO ONE who will do a better job at inspiring them to go after their dreams than you.

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